Your life's story without words...
What is a BioGlyph?
Simply put, each BioGlyph is a part of you - a symbolic representation of something important in your life.
Your collection of these BioGlyphs tell your life’s story without words. taps into a human
being’s innate need to know and be known. It allows you to see what you are made of. What defines you.
What drives you. It commemorates where you have been. It celebrates your victories. It acknowledges your
hardships. It speaks of the hope of where you want to be in the days to come. And through it all, you will
discover authentic communities of people who share the various parts of your story. Start your BioGlyph
collection today and open a new door of understanding into your own life!
How do I get started?
To get started, simply click on the Start My Collection link at the top of the page. Once you have registered
and activated your account, you are ready to start your collection.
To get the ball rolling, you will be asked to identify your core BioGlyphs. These are the top three things in your life that define who you are at your core. It is important to take a moment to reflect on your life and be honest in choosing your three. It’s not about choosing the BioGlyphs that you think should be the core, it’s about being real and choosing the ones that truly represent you. As your life evolves, you can make changes to your core three if it makes sense for you.
Once you have selected your core BioGlyphs, you can then start browsing the library to see what other BioGlyphs reflect the various parts of your life. Some BioGlyphs are readily available while others must be earned. As you build your collection and explore the communities, new BioGlyphs will be unlocked. Some BioGlyphs can be enhanced by having your friends, family, and other contacts verify your association with the BioGlyph you chose. For instance, if you chose a basketball BioGlyph, you can enhance your glyph by having several people vouch for the fact that you are an active participant in basketball. You can further enhance it by verifying your skill level and by participating in the community associated with that BioGlyph.
So, as you can see, over time, your BioGlyph will be absolutely unique to you - it will tell your life story without words. We hope that the process of collecting and interacting with your BioGlyph collection will help you learn more about yourself and will introduce you to an array of meaningful communities where you can spend time investing in your interests and helping others along the way.